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Taxation is the means by which a government or tax authority collects taxes from its citizens and businesses. From income tax to goods and services tax (GST), taxes apply at all levels.

What are taxes?

Central and state governments play an important role in setting taxes in India. In order to streamline the tax process and guarantee transparency in the country, the state and central government have implemented several political reforms in recent years. One of tho        se changes was the Tax on Goods and Services (GST), which made the tax system more flexible on the sale and delivery of goods and services in the country.

A detailed breakdown of the tax filing process:

India’s tax structure can be divided into two main categories:

  • Direct tax
  • Indirect tax

Direct tax:

It is defined as the tax that is collected directly from a taxpayer and must be paid to the government. Also, a person cannot approve or designate another person to pay taxes on their behalf.

Some of the direct taxes imposed on an Indian taxpayer are:

Income tax: It is the tax levied on the income of a natural person or a taxpayer.

Corporate income tax: it is the tax levied on the profits that companies obtain from their operations.

Indirect Tax:

It is defined as the tax that is not levied on income, profits or income, but on goods and services provided by the taxpayer. Unlike direct taxes, indirect taxes can be transferred from one person to another. Previously, the list of indirect taxes applied to taxpayers included service tax, sales tax, value added tax (VAT), central consumption tax, and customs duties. However, with the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime, which came into effect on July 1, 2017, it replaced all forms of indirect taxes levied on goods and services by state and central governments. The GST not only reduced the physical interface, it also lowered the cost of complying with excise duties.

Difference between Direct and Indirect Taxes:

Direct and indirect taxes are defined on the basis of the ability of the final taxpayer to transfer the tax burden to another person. Direct taxes allow the government to collect taxes directly from consumers and is a type of progressive tax, which also helps to cool the inflationary pressure on the economy. Indirect taxes allow the government to expect stable and safe returns and to attract almost all members of society, which direct taxes have failed to achieve.

Both direct and indirect taxes are important for the country as they are closely linked to the general economy. As such, the collection of these taxes is important to the government and to the well-being of the country. Both direct and indirect taxes are collected by the central government and the respective state governments based on the type of tax collected.

What is a tax law?

In India, tax laws are governed by the provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961. Taxes are the collection of mandatory taxes on natural or legal persons by the state. Taxes are collected in almost every country in the world, primarily to generate revenue for public spending and other purposes. The tax law serves as an instrument for collecting the tax. The Tax Law is a government document of thousands of pages that describes the rules for individuals and businesses. In general, tax laws are implemented through the corresponding laws, rules and regulations, procedures, circulars and ordinances. They must obey the law and be responsible for returning a percentage of their income to the government.

Tax laws in India

India’s tax laws are governed by both the central and state governments. Some minor tax laws are governed by local authorities, such as local and local governments. Direct taxes in India are governed by two main laws, the Income Tax Act of 1961 and the Wealth Tax Act of 1957. New legislation, the Direct Tax Code (DTC), has been introduced. It was introduced and proposed to replace the two laws. . With the repeal of the wealth tax law in 2015, the idea of ​​DTC disappeared.

In recent years, the central government and many state governments have implemented various policy reforms and simplified forecasting processes.

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